Open Mind, Open Heart is your go-to blog for real talk, practical solutions, and a fresh perspective on metabolic health, physical and emotional wellness, spiritual balance, essential oils, and joyful entrepreneurship.

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Essential Oil Ice Cubes

Essential Oil Ice Cubes

Colorful ice cubes infused with essential oils in a glass of water, adding a refreshing twist to hydration. ...more

Essential Oil Solutions

February 23, 20253 min read

Fresh Rain Diffuser Blend

Fresh Rain Diffuser Blend

There's nothing quite like the fresh, crisp scent of rain to rejuvenate the senses and refresh the spirit. ...more

Essential Oil Solutions

February 23, 20253 min read

Sinus Support Diffuser Blend

Sinus Support Diffuser Blend

There's a natural way to help support your sinuses and breathe easier: our Sinus Support Diffuser Blend. Without side-effects! ...more

Essential Oil Solutions

February 23, 20254 min read

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Phone: (423) 341-8466

Email: [email protected]

Address: 3101 W Market St. Ste 109-567

Johnson City, TN 37604

Mon – Thu : 10:00am – 5:00pm

Fri-Sun: Closed